Projects and works
Our projects are improving, enhancing and extending our capacity to deliver reliable water and sewerage services – now and in the future.

Wattle Street, Red Cliffs
During February 2025, Lower Murray Water will be undertaking a water main renewal on the western side of Wattle Street between Ovens Avenue and Nursery Ridge Road.
Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project (VMFRP)
Restoring floodplains along the Murray River to stop the decline of these iconic landscapes – and the native plants and animals that depend on them.
Piangil Urban Water Works
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking planned maintenance to the Piangil water supply on Wednesday 18 December 2024. The Piangil water supply will be shut for a brief period between 9.30am and 2.30pm.
Kerang Water Main Replacement
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential water main replacement works on the western side of Fitzroy Street, between Wellington and Scoresby Streets, Kerang.
Red Cliffs Water Main Upgrade
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential water main replacement works on Jacaranda Street between Indi and Heytesbury Avenues and along Heytesbury Avenue between Jacaranda and Guava Streets in Red Cliffs.
Tenth Street Mildura Elevated Storage Refurbishment Works
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential refurbishment works on the Tenth Street Mildura Water Tower in Mildura from early July 2024 and lasting for approximately 6 weeks.
Millewa Pump Station
On Thursday 18 April we officially opened the new Millewa Pump Station on the Murray River with a ceremonial ribbon cutting.
Swan Hill Air Scouring
Lower Murray Water will be cleaning some of the water mains in Swan Hill on Tuesday 14 May, from 8.30am to 5pm.
Pine Avenue Water Main Upgrade
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential water main replacement works on the eastern side of Pine Avenue between Tenth and Eleventh Streets.
Dethridge wheel community art project
Our region’s irrigation legacy runs deep, nourishing the land and weaving stories through generations. Now, we’re breathing new life into the remnants of that history—the dethridge wheel! These iconic symbols, retired yet resilient, are ready for their encore.
Kerang Urban Water Main Upgrade
During January and February 2024, Lower Murray Water will be undertaking water main replacement works along the southern side of Wellington Street, between Nolan and Victoria Streets.
Fifth Street, Nichols Point Sewer Main Upgrade
During the first quarter of 2024, Lower Murray Water will be undertaking an essential sewer main upgrade on Fifth Street, Nichols Point.
Sunraysia Water Efficiency Project (SWEP)
Creating a more efficient water delivery network across the Mildura, Red Cliffs and Merbein irrigation districts.
Mildura irrigation district rising main project
This project replaced the existing rising main with 550 metres of new pipe to supply water to our customers when it's needed.
Sunraysia Modernisation Project 2 (SMP2)
Building on existing infrastructure to reduce costs and improve water efficiency for Merbein and Red Cliffs irrigation districts.
Sunraysia Modernisation Project (SMP)
The biggest infrastructure upgrade in Sunraysia’s irrigation history.
Past project highlights
The Sunraysia Modernisation Projects 1 and 2 were pivotal to providing irrigation water to our rural customers 365 days of the year. All up the two projects improved the services to over 1,200 irrigations services across our rural service region.