Tenth Street Mildura Elevated Storage Refurbishment Works

Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential refurbishment works on the Tenth Street Mildura Water Tower in Mildura from early July 2024 and lasting for approximately 6 weeks.

time Completed

Essential refurbishment works are scheduled to take place on the Tenth Street Mildura Water Tower from early July 2024 and lasting for approximately 6 weeks.

The refurbishment works will involve the replacement of inlet and outlet pipework to the Water Tower at Orange Avenue, along with some internal refurbishment of the tank itself. This will necessitate the use of heavy cranes and digging equipment, leading to partial closures of Orange Avenue between Tenth Street and the MDAS Health Services.

The works will be undertaken by external contractors, Keystone Civil.

Access to the park surrounding the tower will be restricted and some traffic restrictions in the immediate surrounds will occur intermittently during this phase.

Any questions or concerns regarding these maintenance works can be directed to David Zacher, Community and Stakeholder Liaison, on 0477 561 187 or via email at david.zacher@lmw.vic.gov.au

Frequently Asked Questions

The Tenth Street elevated storage is a reinforced concrete water tower located at the corner of Tenth Street and Orange Avenue, Mildura which was constructed from 1955 to 1957 and forms a critical part of Lower Murray Water’s urban water network, supplying pressure to the Mildura township’s potable water network. The elevated storage is fed from the Mildura water treatment plant located on Seventh Street by two independent rising mains. 

Refurbishment of the tower and its supply lines now will prevent unplanned leaks and bursts, ensuring a reliable water supply. 

The main works are scheduled to occur from early July 2024 for 6 weeks. Prior to the main works, preliminary works will be conducted which will require intermittent lane closures in Orange Avenue adjacent to the site. 

Due to the use of heavy cranes and other construction equipment, occasional closures of Orange Avenue between Tenth Street and the VicRoads building may occur. We encourage affected businesses to utilise Risbey Lane during these closures to access car parks or businesses

The Tower is supplied by two independent rising mains from the Seventh Street water treatment plant. As the mains are independent to those supplying businesses and residences it is not expected that there will be any supply disruptions during the works. 

Works are scheduled to take place during the off-peak season to minimise disruption, with the Fourteenth Street tower bearing responsibility for maintaining pressure in the town system during the works. This may result in a minimal reduction in water pressure while the tower is offline.

Our team will visit all businesses and residents in the affected area ahead of the main works to provide detailed information on the proposed works and timelines, and to seek feedback on how we can minimise disruptions to your business or customers.

Yes. There will be some traffic management measures in-place.

Absolutely. Whilst we cannot eliminate them altogether, we plan to minimise disruptions to your businesses.

Leading up to the works Please feel free to contact David Zacher at 0477 561 187 or via email at david.zacher@lmw.vic.gov.au  We are committed to working closely with you to ensure a smooth and efficient process during this period. 

We hope this FAQ provides the information you need. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your understanding and cooperation during these works are appreciated.