Customer committees

Customer committees are an important part of our business process, providing advice and guidance to our board.

Lower Murray Water sees its customer committees as a key part of its customer engagement process and has recently made changes to the customer committee structure to maximise their efficiency.

The restructuring of customer committees signifies a significant step forward for LMW and its commitment to engaging with the irrigation community efficiently. We believe that the changes will result in more effective decision-making processes and a more responsive organisation.

Customer Service Advisory Committees (rural)

Our Customer Service Advisory Committees (CSACs) provide advice to our board and management on a range of water and service-related matters – including:

  • better understanding the water service issues facing customers and their current and future service expectations
  • providing input into pre-irrigation season preparations and a review of post-irrigation seasonal operational performance
  • improving key aspects of its relationships with customers, including communication, their understanding of LMW’s operational environment and assets and how these influence the delivery of services
  • problem solving and resolving disputes

CSACs membership

There are 3 CSACs.

  • A 16 member Rural CSAC, representing the four pumped irrigation districts of Merbein, Mildura Red Cliffs, and Robinvale.
  • A five member Millewa CSAC, focusing specifically on Millewa-related issues.
  • A five member Private Diverter CSAC, dedicated to addressing private diverter issues and concerns.

Expressions of interest for CSACs

Expressions of interest for rural customers to be appointed as members of a CSAC are in accordance with Section 122C of the Water Act 1989.

We value diversity and encourage applications from irrigators with a broad range of backgrounds and experience – including women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, people with disability, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Current vacancies on CSACs

Expressions of interest are currently open for vacant positions on:

Rural irrigation CSAC

    Millewa Rural CSAC

      Private Diverters CSAC

        How to apply

        To apply, complete an Application for Appointment to a LMW Customer Committee Form. To discuss your nomination, contact our Community and Stakeholder Liaison on 0477 561 187.

        LMW Customer Committee Candidate Information Pack

        Application for Appointment to a LMW Customer Committee Form

        Statutory Declaration Form

        Declaration of Interests Form

        Terms of Reference and Operating Rules

        Strategic Advisory Committee (rural)

        Our Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) provides guidance and advice to the board on strategy, policy or industry matters that affect irrigation customers and Lower Murray Water – including:

        • better understanding the business strategic issues facing rural customers and their current and future service expectations
        • providing a customer perspective on key business strategic issues identified by the committee or referred to it by LMW
        • providing customer input, including that associated with Water Plans, Corporate Plans and Strategies for the subsequent approval of the LMW Board. These plans may include information such as capital works, prices, investment priorities and service/performance measures and standards.

        SAC membership

        The SAC has 12 appointed members.

        Two members are appointed from each irrigation district – Red Cliffs, Mildura, Merbein and Robinvale – as well as the Millewa Waterworks District and Private Diverters.

        Expressions of interest for the SAC

        Expressions of interest for rural customers to be appointed as members of the SAC are in accordance with 122C of the Water Act 1989.

        We value diversity and encourage applications from irrigators with a broad range of backgrounds and experience – including women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, people with disability, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

        Current vacancies on the SAC

        Expressions of interest are currently open for vacant positions from:

          • Mildura Irrigation District
          • Millewa Rural District
          • Red Cliffs Irrigation District
          • Robinvale Irrigation District

          How to apply

          To apply, complete an Application for Appointment to a LMW Customer Committee Form. To discuss your nomination, contact our Community and Stakeholder Liaison on 0477 561 187.

          LMW Customer Committee Candidate Information Pack

          Application for Appointment to a LMW Customer Committee Form

          Statutory Declaration Form

          Declaration of Interests Form