Community consultation

Opportunities for our community to give us feedback about our water services.

Lower Murray Water is always seeking customer feedback about our services, projects, water quality and water conservation initiatives.

If you would like to be apart of influencing the future of your water services, register your interest by emailing

Customer committees

Our customer committees were established across our urban and rural districts to deliver customer-focused outcomes for business and farming stakeholders in our service region.

To learn more about our rural customer committee, see Committees or contact our Customer and Stakeholders Liaison on 1800 808 830.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Each year we survey our customers to learn what we’re getting right and what we can do to improve our service.

Customers provide feedback on:

  • satisfaction with water supply and sewerage services
  • customer service
  • payments and billing information
  • permanent water saving rules
  • what they would like to hear more about.

See the results of our Customer Satisfaction Surveys.