Latest news

Release of 2023/24 Urban and Rural tariffs
Lower Murray Water (LMW) Interim Managing Director, Paul O’Donohue, has advised that the Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released its final determination on water pricing for the five-year period 2023 - 2028.
Flush facts
Did you know that we spend thousands of dollars fixing our sewer system due to incorrect items being flushed down toilets and drains?
World Water Day 2023
Wednesday 22 March marks World Water Day. This year's theme for World Water Day is accelerating change by thinking twice about how we use, consume, and manage water in our lives.
Red Cliffs Urban Water Main Upgrade
We are currently upgrading 250m of Red Cliffs urban water main and associated services in Jamieson Steet. These works are replacing old lines which were constructed in 1935. The new lines will be 150mm PVC.
Pine Avenue Water Main Upgrade
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential water main replacement works on the eastern side of Pine Avenue between Tenth and Eleventh Streets.
New water tank to supply Swan Hill community
A new 5 megalitre concrete water storage tank has been constructed in Swan Hill.