Latest news

Kerang water quality advice
Some Kerang customers may be experiencing an unfamiliar taste and odour in the water. This is the result of elevated levels of Blue Green Algae (BGA) recorded in the raw water supplied to the Kerang Water Treatment Plant (WTP) via an irrigation channel supply.
Expression of Interest: Independent Member, LMW Finance & Audit Committee
LMW invites interested individuals to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the vacant position of independent member on its Finance and Audit Committee.
Community art project: Express your organisation’s interest
Our region’s irrigation legacy runs deep, nourishing the land and weaving stories through generations. Now, we’re breathing new life into the remnants of that history—the dethridge wheel! These iconic symbols, retired yet resilient, are ready for their encore.
Kerang Urban Water Main Upgrade
Lower Murray Water will be undertaking essential water main replacement works in Wellington Street between Nolan and Victoria Streets, commencing Monday 29 January 2024.
Nichols Point Sewer Main Upgrade
During January and February 2024, we will be undertaking an essential sewer main upgrade in Nichols Point, commencing near the intersection of Irymple Avenue and Fifth Street.
Updated – Water Trading Strategy 2023/24
Our Water Trading Strategy sets out how we will use our water allocation – for example, how much allocation we will sell and when. The strategy also highlights any purchasing of water share which may be undertaken in a season.
Kerang urban water main replacement
We are undertaking work on the replacement of a section of the urban water main along Wellington Street in Kerang.