Latest news

Zero tolerance on water theft
Lower Murray Water would like to remind our rural irrigation and stock and domestic customers of our continued focus on water compliance and penalties for those who breach the Water Act 1989.
Water Trading Strategy 2024-25 now online
Our Water Trading Strategy sets out how we will use our water allocation – for example, how much allocation we will sell and when. The strategy also highlights any purchasing of water share which may be undertaken in a season.
Release of 2023/24 Urban and Rural tariffs
Lower Murray Water (LMW) Interim Managing Director, Paul O’Donohue, has advised that the Essential Services Commission (ESC) has released its final determination on water pricing for the five-year period 2023 - 2028.
Flush facts
Did you know that we spend thousands of dollars fixing our sewer system due to incorrect items being flushed down toilets and drains?
Sunraysia Water Efficiency Project (SWEP) is underway
Project works will start with channel lining in sections of Red Cliffs and Mildura Districts from June 2023, with works on small meter outlets (SMOs) commencing in Merbein and Red Cliffs in July.
2023 Winter Irrigation Schedule
Please see the new winter irrigation district schedule for the 2023 irrigation season. This schedule is provided for the Red Cliffs, Merbein and Mildura Irrigation Districts. The schedule this year has been set to take into consideration the civil works required for the Sunraysia Water Efficiency Project.
New River Pump Station for the Millewa
Works are continuing after the widespread flooding which delayed access to the new Millewa pumpstation works at the river near Lake Cullulleraine. The new pumpstation will provide extra capacity for the supply into Lake Cullulleraine.